Jade Aqua
Water, Life and Purity. For the daily balance with the power of Jade

Jade Aqua is a natural mineral water and its water vein can be found in the area of the village Terem. This natural treasure originates from the area Bátorliget Fenwood which is a nature conservation area. The water vein is also next to the area of Natura 2000 and clear of any kind of industrialisation. The depth of the well, which is 385 m deep, guarantees the clearness, intactness of the mineral water and it is also free from environmental pollution.

Our Products
Jade Aqua is mineral water, and thanks to its natural alkalinity, it ha a beneficial effect on heartburn and reflux. It contains 23 milligramms of metasilicic acid per liter, which has beneficial psychological effects, regenerates the cells, faciliates the revitalisation of skin, hair, nails, and skins and, nourishes the skin. Metasilicic acid is absolutely neccessary for the young, and growing people, moreover, it alleviates old-age diseases. Thansk to its minderal content (587 milligramms/ liter), it is perfectly suitablefor daily consumption. It does not contain high quantities of nitrite and nitrate.
pH 7,8
The physiological effects of metasilicic acid

Thanks to its
natural alkalinity it has beneficial effects on heartburn and reflux

It facilitates
the renewal of nails, hair, and the skin.

It also has
beneficial effects on cell recuperation.

It nourishes
the skin, so it is essential for the young organism in progress.
Write to us
Jade Aqua Kft
Address4342 Terem, Dohányos Farm, lot no. 0562
E-mail: jadeaquakft@gmail.com
Contact person:: Zámbó Bertalan
Mobil: +3630/370-5161

Copyright © Jade Aqua Kft. 2021All rights reserved